Your Gateway into the Age of Intuition Awaits

Available on multiple devices

Closed captions (CC) available in English for all episodes.

Monthly Special!
Enjoy streaming access to episodes 1-10 for: $111 $89

view all packages

Why receive this series now?

  • Because our world requires operational intuitives to get back on track
  • To feel inspired, especially when you feel alone and isolated
  • Have a consciousness raising party
  • To gift your friends and family who look at you funny when you talk about consciousness and the amazing experiences you have in your own evolution discovering and using your inner powers
  • Discussions are so rich, it is easy to miss the subtle cues that could help you make quantum leaps in your own evolution ~ you’ll want to watch it over and over
  • To learn at your own pace
  • [Mind's Eye and Crown Only] Access to many more hours of material not available during the premiere
  • [Mind's Eye and Crown Only] Access to material that may fit your learning style better, through written transcripts and audio

See what Superpower viewers have to say!

This project is the best I have ever seen. It is on the scale of “Frontline”, or better. ~Doug H.

Appreciate very much your efforts on bringing such important researched messages to the world! ~Catherine C.

Thought it would be interesting. It was extraordinary!!! An incredible presentation. ~Beverly L.

YOUR LINE UP is massively impressive.  ~Suji B.


The episode was great and very impactful for my 15 year old son.  We homeschool and we are counting these episodes as classwork.  We get into dialogue and research and learning a lot.  … we are loving the work you have done!  ~Lesley G.

It would be nice to see this on Prime or Netflix in the future. I am enjoying it and others would enjoy it also.   ~Candace

Brilliant! 1000 thank you’s for not just hearing, but listening! ~Ollire L.

I’ve been spreading the word in hopes that many more will watch. Such important information for all of humanity.  ~Carla M.

Crown Package Items

  • 4 DVDs with all 12 Episodes
  • 6 x 9 book of full transcripts
  • 3 USB drives with full episode audio and full video interview archives

For a Happier Planet

Out of love for Mother Earth, Mama Cat Sanctuary has made it possible for you to own a copy of the Superpower documentary film series in the way that makes you the happiest (we hope).

Not only do we provide unlimited access to online viewing, but if you prefer hard copies, we went to the additional expense of choosing:

  • a DVD that has the capacity to hold all 12 episodes on only four DVDs (vs. twice as many standard DVDs)
  • a cardboard holder for the DVDs (vs. plastic)
  • a single, cardboard box to hold the USBs (vs. individual plastic holders)
  • three USBs in place of an additional 40 DVDs and their holders

Ever heard the term, “Less is more”?  That quite literally is what we did.  Worth it, wouldn’t you say?

SP LIVE! is the free* 1-hour monthly program bringing you experts from the film to experience their latest discoveries and more in-depth teachings.

Starting 2024, SP LIVE! will include new experts to discuss not only the science and spirituality of intuition, but the innerstandings of self-sovereignty.

* Superpower email subscribers are invited to join free of charge, but only Mind’s Eye, Crown or SP LIVE! members have access to the recordings to watch at their leisure.

Select Your Package


Mind’s Eye and Crown packages include first year of membership with initial purchase. The opportunity to opt-out of Superpower’s annual membership renewal will be offered after the end of the first year.

  • Streaming access to Superpower episodes 11 & 12
  • Streaming audio of all 12 episodes
  • Access to SP LIVE! recordings to watch at your leisure


Superpower LIVE!
Content [beyond the series]

live & recorded access


live access (not recorded)

Mind’s Eye & Crown

live & recorded access

* MEMBERSHIP: Privileges are included for the first year. A reminder email about auto-renewal will be sent before your account is charged annually thereafter.

Your Hard-Copy-Only Options

Compare Each Streaming Package


HEART - $111 $89
MIND'S EYE - $222
CROWN - $333
SP LIVE! - $88 / Year

Streaming lifetime access to the first 10 episodes via the Superpower membership portal

SPECIAL EPISODE: Eating Intuitively with Elyse Resch

SPECIAL EPISODE: The Invisible Gifts of the Theremin featuring theremin virtuoso and Superpower theme song composer, Carolina Eyck

STREAMING AUDIO of all 12 episodes

NEW SP LIVE! programs added every month 


The complete set of all 12 episodes on DVD in its own case

Audio recordings of the complete set of all 12 episodes on a USB flash drive

Video from nearly 60 deeper-dive hours of the full-length interviews with our experts featured in the film, all on USB flash drives

A 6”x9” softcover book of the written transcripts from all 12 episodes

Membership Packages

$111 $89

Mind's Eye


$88 / Year

$23 $13


DVDs + Book

Entire Set

Meet the Experts!


Episode 1 - The Power of the Intuitive

  • A brush-up of what falls under the intuitive umbrella
  • What is the source of consciousness?  Or, is consciousness our Source?
  • Why consciousness is not fundamental in science.  Why it is considered taboo.
  • From a physicist's perspective, how humankind came to believe we are separate
  • Why one cannot successfully understand consciousness from a materialist perspective
  • How we are programmed
  • What our deep stories really are and what effect that holds on our life
  • How we can help the “hopeless” with mental time travel
  • The biggest downfall to understanding our universe
  • The foundation of what everything is made from
  • Proof that our DNA is not our destiny
  • Scientific studies on distinguishing different spirit frequencies

Episode 3 - Childhood's Pure Potential

  • What do our children need to thrive?
  • What sorts of things might our children be experiencing without our knowledge?
  • How we were taught to distrust our internal sense
  • How we teach our children to distrust their own internal sense
  • What happens when we require our children to use more of their left brain than right?
  • What happens when we help our children stimulate their right brain?
  • What is happening when a child can see using a blindfold?
  • How helping our children cultivate their inner abilities, heals
  • What a child out of alignment looks like
  • Why our children’s abilities shut down

Episode 5 - Communicating with Animals

  • What do we need to do to begin to hear what our animal is trying to tell us?
  • What sorts of things do they wonder about us?
  • In what ways might they care for us?
  • How we affect animals
  • Different ways animals heal humans
  • Concerns our animals might have about us
  • How might our animals communicate to us?
  • What might our animals be trying to tell us?
  • What humans with birds might need to realize
  • How we can improve our relationship with our animal

Episode 7 - Prepare Your Antenna

  • What our conscious and subconscious mind offers
  • What helps one maintain a higher connection to all that a mind offers
  • Why it’s critical to understand the effects of emotional baggage
  • Understanding frequencies, blocked energy, and flow
  • The connection between thoughts and genetics
  • The connection between quantum physics and spirituality
  • Why it’s important to pay attention to our heart-mind connection
  • Why left-brain, analytical-heavy thinking, and fear keep us from connecting
  • Living in the spiritual realm and our physical, human experience
  • Addressing trust issues
  • What it’s like to live a life being guided by Spirit
  • How to leave fear behind

Episode 9 - Ease into Work

  • The best use of our different intelligences for greatest success
  • How much positivity is needed for something to go your way
  • What positivity is and isn’t
  • How to begin to manifest what you want
  • Attention, Intention, and Willpower - when to use what
  • Why intuition is not mystical
  • Five obstacles that get in the way of tapping into our intuition
  • What are the benefits of paying attention to the unexpected things in life?
  • Why is Flow important?
  • The six steps to accessing your own wisdom
  • Why it’s not helpful to be a skeptic
  • Get inspired by those who use their deeper intelligence

Episode 2 - How We Are All Connected

  • In what ways are we connected? How can we prove this?
  • The different energy systems in the human body
  • How does our connection to another being work?
  • How can we measure our connections?
  • Why do we connect with some people and not others?
  • Our connection to the energy fields of our planet
  • How earth energies allow us to communicate
  • Why do we need to be concerned with how we are interacting with The Field?
  • What can we learn from the Mayans?
  • What is dowsing? Earth acupuncture?
  • What have the meridian lines along earth got to do with us?
  • How can Geomancy help us in everyday life?

Episode 4 - Energy Heals Intuitively

  • What is the Biofield?
  • What does our energy body consist of?
  • What are some of the different energies our bodies emit?
  • Are we really made out of matter?
  • What might the potential of ATP be?
  • What happens when you treat water with information?
  • Can we see sound?
  • What sort of effect might “frozen” cymatics have on us without even realizing it?
  • What is sound, really?
  • How are geometric patterns considered sacred?
  • Surprising results after subjecting cells to sound
  • Does everything have a frequency?

Episode 6 - Intuition Gender Trap

  • How are we locked in our gender roles?
  • Reclaiming and embracing our divine masculine and feminine birthrights
  • Is vulnerability necessary?
  • What happens when we create more room for true, deep contact?
  • What are three guiding lights of intuition?
  • What might happen if we allow ourselves to be okay with not knowing, to not having the answers?
  • Why is it so hard to admit we are wrong?
  • The unhelpful cycle of power thought.
  • What can the individual do to work through pain and fear?
  • How can we as a society allow for the expression of masculine and feminine energies, no matter what gender we see in front of us?

Episode 8 - Engage!

  • What does it take to master intuition?
  • What does empathy have to do with intuition?
  • Meditation doesn’t have to be hard - how to make it fun
  • How to get answers to problems more easily
  • Binaural beats - what they are and how they can help
  • How to discern which energy belongs to you and which belongs to another being
  • How to calm the overwhelm empathy can have
  • Why, sometimes, do we feel that we’ve lost our intuition?
  • Fear is contagious  - consider this instead…
  • Discern between your insights - know when they are legit
  • What creates stronger intuition

Episode 10 - Consciousness Rising

  • What the ancients are teaching us, even today 
  • What is it about death that scares us?
  • Two beautiful stories of Near Death Experience (NDE)
  • What chemical we produce naturally that might be helping us have visions
  • How can lucid dreaming help us become more connected?
  • Tips on how to become lucid in our dreams
  • What can it mean to be clairvoyant?
  • About remote viewing
  • How does a scientist study presentience?
  • How time and space does not work the way we think it does
  • What is psychokinesis?
  • Why there is hope that the taboo around our inner abilities will not last

Special Episodes - Mind's Eye & Crown Packages Only

Eating Intuitively with Elyse Resch

  • The messages programmed into us as children around food and eating
  • What intuitive eating is
  • The myths of intuitive eating
  • The bottom line about “diet culture”
  • Intuitive eating guidelines
  • How to tune in to intuitive eating
  • What takes us away from tuning in intuitively
  • What we need to know before we eat too much
  • What is NEAT?
  • Making peace with food with philosophical beliefs

The Invisible Gifts of the Theremin with Carolina Eyck

  • The theremin as a mirror
  • Why the theremin was invented
  • How the invisible becomes real playing the theremin
  • How we must care for our body to maintain control
  • The result of combining freedom and focus

Membership Packages

$111 $89

Mind's Eye


$88 / Year

$23 $13


DVDs + Book

Entire Set

More Superpower Reviews and Viewer Insights

This documentary is revolutionary and life changing!! Thank you so much for making it! ❤️  ~Dani C.

I want thanks you for this amazing work. Lot of knowledge and information that are hard to find and discuss elsewhere. ~Dario C.

I’ve been eagerly watching the episodes and learning so much, feeling my consciousness expand beyond the bounds of what I considered possible … It is a gift to humanity.  ~Genet B.

I just wanted to thank you for this lovely film,it was like coming home….~Helen P.

Can I please congratulate you on this amazing documentary series as it’s the best I’ve ever seen….!! ~Andrea L.

 I didn’t want the episodes to end!  ~Terry H.

I just wanted to let you know that If I could watch dozens of hours more of the kind of content you produced for this series, I would. In a heartbeat. Please keep doing what you’re doing. I am so grateful for this content. ~Tori F.

Wonderful episodes, Danny! Created with the eyes of a woman!!! ~Kersti in Sweden

I sometimes feel I’m alone in this world… As I watch documentaries like these that you have beautifully put together, my faith in humanity returns.  I want to bless you from the bottom of my heart for producing this, and bringing more new scientific research and knowledge to us…  ~Wendy W.

I’m very grateful and privileged to have better insight on how to find joy, happiness, peace and love by tapping into ones own intuitive intelligence…The direction of the future…. ~Mary M.

You hit it out of the park with episode 6 (The Gender Trap). ~Eddie W.

It’s wonderfully rich and the pacing is engaging. The amount of content and expert voices is fabulous. ~ Mal M.

Thank you all SO much for this amazing series! I had felt fairly aware before, but have been enormously enlightened on so many interconnected topics. So very grateful you put this together…! ~Nicolette D.

thank you for providing such wonderful and life changing content.  All my life I have been busy doing what I have had to do, and now it is my turn to awaken. ~Marc M.

This is a great series and it has helped me by explaining some things in simpler ways than I have heard from other sources. ~Stuart

I found it totally absorbing, very well informed and delivered in an accessible manner and of high quality. I particularly appreciated that it was not lengthy and the way it had been edited … I felt I was really enabled to take away so much from the contributors.I was absorbed by all the speakers…Please may there be more of this!!  ~Denise I.

This series is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Some new information for me. Some reminders. …The second episode made me feel alive and excited and near tears. Renewed my desire to grow in this area and realize how much I want this body of knowledge to be a part of my every day life as a full awareness and engagement. Thank you.  ~Laura P.

This is incredibly wonderful!!  …I will repeat watching all of them again.  Very inspiring, stimulating and awakening episodes.  It reminds you what fell by the wayside when you were trying to feed your family!  Now that I am retired I can embrace all these wonderful energies and gifts again.  Thank you so much… ~Judith H.

Just want say thank you for this awesome series! I feel SO inspired! ~ Kely P.

The presentation of this information is wonderful!  It ties together many ‘strings’ and helps explain many things. ~Mary T.

OMG – mind blown… Thank you for bringing this to our attention 🙂 xxxxx  ~Emma R.

…the clearest step by step message for people to see where all this is headed. You have done a superb job of showing the newcomers what they might face and how to proceed. And even more exciting, you are putting Spirituality together with Science. …Such possibility you have opened for human potential…. Thank you! ~Martina D.

So my husband and I have been on the outs for quite some time. … He just finished watching the very first episode with Annalise. Never in 1 million years did I think I hear him say he understood it. It all made total sense to him. He realizes why he was so fixed in left brain and not able to open up to wonder and possibility. I haven’t been able to get him to watch anything. You have no idea how big this is. I’m not sure what kind of award shows they have for things like this, but you might want to find an outfit.  ~Cari

….you have opened up thousands of people to starting to listen to their own intuition….at a time when we are faced where people do not even know what news source to give validity to, this is the time to start growing the skill called intuition…. ~Miranda A.

I always had the thought that our body is able to heal itself. Now I know I was right. ~Greta G.

I would like to say thank you, it is difficult for me to put into words the whole range of emotions I felt while watching these documentaries.  I am simply more self-aware and therefore – thank you for an exceptional experience.  ~Tea R.